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This is Finals Week

Aloha! In the dead of winter, there was only one woman who could stop the end of the world. JK It's Finals Week, y'all! Which means I only had to go to work one day this week and that was yesterday! To all my students out there, I know you did great and I hope I've helped you along this path at least a little bit. If they actually stumble upon this, color me shocked. Anyways, since I haven't been to work but once this week, I've had plenty of time to sleep in...and catch a cold. My only free week and I'm dying from allergies. Thankfully on Day 5 of this horrid illness, I am probably about 85% healthy, still stopped up, but I'm functioning! Cue cheer track. I've been v. productive this week! I have categorized everything we're donating (almost everything. Two more bags were added on this morning and I did other stuff today), I cleaned out the bathroom cabinets, and I even went through my old clothes, mostly. Today I did the bathroom and I clea

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